Learn all the Body Parts in Chinese with Audio & Example Sentences

Identifying and naming your body parts in Chinese can come in handy when seeing the doctor, playing sports, going clothes shopping, and much more!

So with that being said, let’s learn how to talk about body parts in Chinese.

We’ll tell you how to say everything from head (tóu) to toe 脚趾 (jiǎo zhǐ) and provide you with audio examples and downloadable graphics to help you practice.

Let’s get started!

Body Parts in Chinese || General Body Parts

Body Parts in Chinese || Head and Face

Body Parts in Chinese || Upper Body

Body Parts in Chinese || Hands

Body Parts in Chinese || Internal Organs

Body Parts in Chinese || Lower Body


Body Parts in Chinese || FAQs

Body Parts in Chinese – General Body 身体 (shēntǐ)

Body PartPinyinHanzi
Bodyshēn tǐ 身体
Skinpí fū 皮肤
Musclejī ròu 肌肉
Bonegǔtou 骨头
Jointsguān jié 关节
Veinsmàiluò 脉络
Hair/Body Hairmáo

The whole body in Chinese is called 身体 (shēntǐ), but what about the single parts of it?

Let’s make a few example sentences using these words for you also:

Nǐ de jīròu hěn dà


Your muscles are very big
Nǐ de tóufǎ hěn piàoliang


You have beautiful hair
Zhèxiē tiān wǒ de shēntǐ gèng qiángzhuàng


My body is much stronger these days
Body Parts in Chinese

Body Parts in Chinese – Head and face – 头脸 (tóuliǎn)

Let’s start with the top. Here is some useful vocabulary for talking about the head and the face…

When applying these words be sure to check out our post on basic grammar structures in Chinese so you can apply the adjective to the body part correctly 🙂


Here are some example sentences for you with some of those facial features.

Sentence in EnglishSentence in PinyinSentence in Hanzi
You have red cheeksNǐ de liǎnjiá hóngle 你的脸颊红了
Your blue eyes are so brightNǐ de lán yǎnjīng hǎo liàng 你的蓝眼睛好亮
I have such a big head!Wǒ de tóu zhème dà! 我的头这么大!

Body Parts in Chinese – Upper Body 上半身 (shàngbànshēn)

Now let’s talk about the upper body parts in Chinese: here below you’ll find a list of words that compose the trunk:

Body PartPinyinHanzi
Neckbózi data-th='Body data-th='Hanzi'>[speak 躯干
Abdomen/Bellydùzi 肚子
Shoulderjiān bǎng 肩膀
Armpityèwō 腋窝
Armgē bo 胳膊
Elbowgē bo zhǒu 胳膊肘
Wristshǒuwàn 手腕
Waist yāo
Belly buttondùqí 肚脐

Now for some potentially useful sentences involving those body parts in Chinese!

Wǒ bèi tòng


My back hurts
Wǒmen měi zhī shǒu shàng yǒu 4 gè shǒuzhǐ hé 1 gè mǔzhǐ


We have 4 fingers and 1 thumb on each hand
Yùndòng hòu wǒ de xiōngbù yuè lái yuè dà


After exercising, my chest is getting bigger

Body Parts in Chinese – Hands 手 (shǒu)

Hands play an important function in body language and sign language, so let’s be more specific and learn this wordlist of the parts of a hand:

Body PartPinyinHanzi
Fingershǒu zhǐ 手指
Knucklezhǐ guān jié 指关节
Fingernailzhǐjiǎ 指甲
Thumbmŭzhĭ / dà mǔzhǐ 拇指 / 大拇指
Index Fingershí zhĭ 食指
Middle Fingerzhōng zhĭ 中指
Ring Fingerwú míng zhĭ 无名指
Pinky / Little Fingerxiăo zhĭ / xiăo mŭ zhĭ 小指 / 小拇指
Palmshǒuzhǎng 手掌

Keeping in theme, let’s add some context to these words by adding in some sentences you might find useful:

Wǒ de zhǐjiǎ hǎo zhǎng


My fingernails are so long
Yòng zhōngzhǐ shì bù lǐmào de


Using your middle finger is rude
Wèishéme wúmíngzhǐ shàng méiyǒu jièzhǐ?


Why is the ring not on your ring finger?
Body Parts in Chinese - Your Hand
Complete Guide to Basic Chinese Grammar & Sentence Structures Thumbnail

Complete Guide to Basic Chinese Grammar & Sentence Structures

Chinese grammar is NOT as hard as you think. In fact it’s a lot easier than many other languages. Here we introduce some key points and show you the way.

Body Parts in Chinese – Internal organs – 脏腑 (zàngfǔ)

Imagine seeing a doctor in China and not knowing the words of the internal organs.

Not so easy to get your point across without the usage of body language!

The list of vocabulary below might come handy in these kind of situations:

心脏xīn zàngheart
大肠dà chánglarge intestine
小肠xiǎo chángsmall intestine
生殖器shēngzhíqìeproductive organs

… and some sentences with those words in action

Sentence in EnglishSentence in PinyinSentence in Hanzi
My stomach is in a lot of painWǒ de dùzi hěn tòng 我的肚子很痛
Smoking is bad for your lungsXīyān duì nín de fèi yǒuhài 吸烟对您的肺有害
My nan has heart problemsWǒ nǎinai yǒu xīnzàng wèntí 我奶奶有心脏问题
75 Useful Academic Vocabulary 🎓 Let's Go back to School in Chinese Thumbnail

75 Useful Academic Vocabulary 🎓 Let’s Go back to School in Chinese

Thinking of coming to learn Chinese? Good! As a present, we are getting you ahead of the rest with our hugely useful set of Chinese school vocabulary.

Body Parts in Chinese || Lower Body 下半身 (xiàbànshēn)

Finally, let’s work our way down through the lower body parts in Chinese:

Body PartPinyinHanzi
Bottomtún bù / pì gu 臀部 / 屁股
Hipyāo kuà 腰胯
Genitalsyīnbù 阴部
Thighdàtuǐ 大腿
Lower legxiǎotuǐ 小腿
Calftuǐdùzi 腿肚子
Kneexī gài 膝盖
Soles of feetjiǎodǐ 脚底
Heeljiǎogēn 脚跟
Anklejiǎo bózi 脚脖子
Toejiǎo zhǐ 脚趾
Toenailjiǎo zhǐ jiǎ 脚趾甲脚趾甲

And finally, some sentences to match:

Tā de tuǐ hěn zhǎng


He has very long legs
Wǒ tī zúqiú shí shuāi duànle jiǎohuái


I broke my ankle playing football
Wǒ de jiǎo bù shìhé zhè shuāng xié


My feet do not fit into these shoes
Body Parts in Chinese - Lower Body

Body Parts || FREE QUIZ

Think you know your head from your hips or your elbows from your ears?

Well it’s time to put that to the test with our FREE Body Parts Quiz in Chinese…!

Welcome to the Body Parts Quiz! Enter your First name and email to begin. Don't worry you can unsubscribe at any time!


肝 (gān)

腰胯 (yāo kuà)

膝盖 (xī gài)




脚跟 (jiǎogēn)

脑 (nǎo)



手腕 (shǒuwàn)



肚脐 (dùqí)

肺 (fèi)


腿 (tuǐ)


心脏 (xīn zàng)

Fancy learning how to say the body parts of other languages? You’re in luck because we’ve also published a post on the body parts in Russian too. Check it out 😎

Body Parts in Chinese || FAQs

How do you say Body in Chinese?

身体 shēn tǐ.

How do you say Head in Chinese?

头 tóu.

How do you say Arm in Chinese?

胳膊 gē bo.

How do you say Leg in Chinese?

腿 tuǐ.

How do you say Finger in Chinese?

手指 shǒu zhǐ.

How do you say Toe in Chinese?

脚趾 jiǎo zhǐ.

How do you say Ankle in Chinese?

脚脖子 jiǎo bózi.

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